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Nice person :o) add me!! i love everyone! =D

Name:   nicolle105Ranking:   --
Birthday:   1994-09-15Country:   
Joined:   2009-02-11Location:   california
Posts:   0 comments
Uploads:   1 graphics 
Name:   nicolle105
Birthday:   1994-09-15
Joined:   2009-02-11
Location:   california
Uploads:   1 graphics 
i love making friends i hate people that mess up with me so beware xD i love to have fun, i am so arrogant and sarcastic. To be honest I take as *joke* somethings in life because i consider that is better enjoy life as we want to and stop to be on pressure. Im a happy girl but i get sad easily.. im always there for my friends or my favorite bands xD.. I LOVE PMMP i think they make wonderfull music!! i play piano and guitar and i know 4 languajes (german, finish, spanish, english) :o) i am normal person and this is my mood if you do not like it theres nothing that i can do .. so goodbye!! get out off my glitter-graphics profile or what ever it is!! xD

★Name: Nicolle!..
★Lastname: Covarrubias Jonnes..
★B-day: 15 sept!! =D
★Bros, Sis: Mmm a big sis!!
★Color: Purple!!=D, Orange..
★Number: 2
★Sing: Libra
★Eye color: Hazel
★Hair color: Black, well natural color is dark brown
★Animal: Dog!! or a kitty^^
★Fruit: All of them! but especially water melon, orange!
★Piercing: Yeaii!! (By the moment 9 ;D)
★Tattoo: Nope!!=P
★A trip to: My cold natal city helsinkii! xD
★Favorite country: Mmmm! Paris! Finland!!
★Food: Mmm! Tacos! or Milanesaa!!=D
★Soda: Coke!!
★Desert: I hate deserts!! maybe ice cream!!xD
★Ice cream flavor: Chocolate!! Oreo!
★A song: ‘Mach die Augen auf’ from super talented NENA(k)
★Chocolate or gum: Totally Gum fan!!!xD
★Free time: Gym!!=D
★Worst defect in a person: Hipocresy!!
★Best thin in a person: Personality, education and sincerity :o)
★Worst defect in you: Very sarcastic person!!!
★Best think in you: Friendly! hehehe!!
★Some great memory: Lot!!
★Something that makes you cry: Mmm.. =D
★Something you laugh for?: Everything! especially when someone falls!!xD
★Something you wouldnt forgive: ..if some friend talks shit 'bout me
★Best friends: Lot..xD
★Best word: "Sopenco!!" hahaha
★Impossible love: Mmmm..
★Someone you hate: ‘‘‘PamelitaC.’’’ =@ huahuahua
★Seven up or sprite: Any!! PUAJ!!=D
★Smoke: Nope!..
★Coffe or tea: Cooooffe coffe coffe coffe coffe!!! lol
★Friendly?: Too much!!:o)
★Pepsi or Coke: Coke obviously
★Pinky or brain: Pinky!! (cuz hes so! like me!! hihih)
★Tom or jerry?: Tom obviously i hate jerry :@ hehehe
★One day?: Friday!!! =D
★Are you happy?: for shure!! xD
★How do you feel?: Normal!!
★Do you miss someone?: Yeah!! lot!! )=
★Love or loved someone?: I love my family!!
★What song do you cry for?: None=S
★Are you yellows?: =D hehe! yeah?=O
★Are friends for ever?: Yeah! well it depends=S
★Nicknames: Niniap, Ritus, Lollipop, Ritachis, Pipoca, and more but i cant remember.. xD

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